A tip for pod users

If you are wanting to make sure about the additional bolus amounts you are getting with Loop, it should be pretty easy to test. Edit the line and make it something crazy like 4 units. Build it and run it on an unattached test pod.

And then just make sure you go back to the original lines of the code before you ever use it again!

I have some of the official Dash PDM’s from Insulet. (Never have used them, not a single time! :joy:)
I can count clicks on their insertion to compare it to what is in mine with Loop.


At pod insertion I was able to count 6 clicks + 1 + 13, which is reasonable evidence that the cannulaInsertionUnits and cannulaInsertionUnitsExtra variables are working as expected.


Thanks for the confirmation!! Glad to know this as I had never paid attention to the clicks on insertion before, and had no idea I was getting 0.15U as standard priming by Loop! Seems to work for me!


Were there 6 before insertion, and then 7-20 right after?

I think the 6 is the standard that Insulet does. Did you 0.70 units to yours?

Me neither but it’s only because I can’t hear them :hear_with_hearing_aid: :joy:


I think 10 clicks is the standard that loop-dev does. The unmodified loop dev calls for 0.5u cannula fill, which is 10 clicks. When I slide the loop control to insert the cannula, I hear continuous clicks. There are 6 clicks, and immediately after the 7th click the snap of the cannula insertion, and then 3 more—total 10 clicks 0.5u fill—but because I modified the extra fill variable from 0.0 to 0.5, I get an extra 10 clicks continuing directly after the standard 10, making 20 clicks total, i.e., 0.5u+0.5u.

It was a continuous 20, and the 7th was almost simultaneous with the cannula insertion, but the cannula insertion snap followed immediately after the 7th click.


Mine is using whatever the Loop default was from way back in the FreeAPS version. I never added to mine.

I will have to pay more attention to it the next time and count.

Before using Loop, I know that it inserted after the 6th or 7th click.

I have never understood why it is not always the same! It always struck me as odd that it was not consistent, either 6 or 7.