14 hours without insulin... what could you expect to happen?

This hand wringing is epic. Diabetes is whatever you make of it.

I went to dental school out of control, I had two kids out of control, gaining good control has allowed me to have a 41 year successful career.

The only thing D prevented me from doing was joining the military, but it could have been my flat feet.

Do I spend some time controlling my D? Sure. But I also always take 5 pills in the morning and 4 pills in the evening too. Every day. Never missed a one.

I’m not immune to the ravages of D or of old age, as my recent stroke attests. But it would have happened, D or not.

What I’m saying is you have to take care of it like any chronic malady, but that’s life. You’ve really got no choice in the matter. And live your life as you see fit under the circumstances you’re been dealt.l