What is the most frustrating thing about living with diabetes?

I’ll second that sentiment! :smiley_cat:


It’s a G4.

ha ha ha - so funny as that was my first thought also.


I would say it’s the combination and interaction of diabetes and several other chronic health conditions. I don’t think diabetes alone would be that difficult, but combine it with several other things that require daily management, and often I just get health burnout.

Secondary to that, any time diabetes interrupts my sleep and/or I sleep through diabetes events I get annoyed. Today my pump ran out of insulin at 5:30 AM. I woke up at 7:00 AM to find my BG at 12.5 mmol/L when prior to the no insulin delivery my BG had been flatlining in range. Sometimes I wish my pancreas could just kick in for those couple hours so that I could keep on sleeping without consequences.


You just had more class than to make the joke. :grin: I’m working on self-sensoring… not very hard, but working.


Hang in there, Pianoplayer7008… before you know it those kids will be big enough to wait for you while you put your disease first. My 13 year old is ALMOST there. :grin:


For me it is the fear of seizures. Hypo unawareness. Have one and you can’t drive for 6 months. If you survive.

The insulin that keeps you alive can kill you. But without it… DKA. Maybe some amputations.

I got out of hospital a week ago for DKA and they were so brutal with the needles my arm still hurts.

PS. If you still have a spare receiver I have a friend that could use it. I am in Australia so would pay for the shipping. Or if you have any dead G4 transmitters even better :).


Please pm me.

That was my original motivation to get the CGM. I was not aware if my BG were in the high 60’s. My only hypo episode thus far was one around 35 (I pre bolused for dinner, and became distracted with working on the computer - maybe FUD :slight_smile:) Because I have the benefit of having learnt so much from FUD, I did not overtreat. My family was somewhat irritated/concerned. My son likely would have known what to do. I was sweating a little bit.

While pre bolusing is important for good BG management, it is not without its perils. When eating out, I wait until I have access to food (any carb) before bolusing. A lot of people split their bolus if dealing with possibly mystery food. Don’t we all love THAT one!


Yes. Amd my insulim sensitivity has a poor sense of humour. It changes from week to week so I am always on the back foot.

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I am having a brain fail. Where is the PM function. Maybe my phone browser is not displaying the site properly

@Ubas Just tap on the user’s icon and you should see the option for PM.

Yeah I can find users. But this is what I see

No message buttons and two browsers tried. :frowning:

If you click on the User’s ID in this particular thread, you’ll see a send message option.

Thank you. That button is not there. I am not going mad. I will try the desktop version of the site.

Nope. Seems I do not have PM access on my account. I need an admin :frowning:

I just sent you a test PM to see if you get it and can respond.

I am participating in some weekend yoga workshops—literally all day, all weekend—and face this problem each session. Lunch is potluck (usually vegan) and never at the same time. I am using Afrezza frequently and correcting as need be with my pump afterward. Sigh…

Received and replied. But still no message button when clicking profiles
