I’m so confused, I thought this was a magic basal that with 1 shot makes the diabetes disappear!
I would give it one more day/one more shot, and keep checking and correcting, but I honestly thing it’s more of a 2-day adjustment period, than a 3-day one (or at least, most of the adjusting happens by day 2), so if by shot 3 it’s off, I would definitely shift it (and if it’s off by a lot, I would personally change by at least several units knowing that it could drive me low but that single unit changes are unlikely to do enough). Of course, as always YDMV.
My thinking is that if corrections are not bringing me down, then the basal dose must be way off. If I adjusted it, I’d go in two-unit increments, I’m thinking.
Since we have no tries Tresiba my input is not worth much. But, when planning our Tresiba trial, I always assumed that the first 2-3 days we would end up being underdosed since Tresiba lasts much longer. So I assumed that we would likely go high the first two days just due to the switch. This may or may not be true, but mathematically it seems that it should be, since the Novolog tail is only 5.5 hours when Tresiba is at least 42 hours and likely tailing much longer.
So I would be a bit careful about adjusting doses too high up in the the first three days? Again, none if that is direct knowledge, just analytical reasoning.
Well, on the pump I tend to think more of u/hr. If I was running this high on the pump, I’d bump all my basal segments up by probably 0.2 u/hr. Which would translate to a five unit change in basal dose. With my current basal, that would be about a ~15% change in dose.
I agree. The Cozmo had this feature, and it was really useful. We’ll see when my blood sugar is more stable if I’m affected by being limited to 0.5 unit increments for bolus insulin now. I also liked that the Cozmo allowed 5% changes in temporary basal rates, while the Animas pumps only allow 10%.
Better stop talking about pumps, though, lest I be tempted to reconnect before this experiment is up!!!
I mean, I think you could do that if you wanted (and a 2-unit increase is not much for your dose), but it will make it harder to know whether your dose is accurate for longer. Also, again, I think the 3-day estimate is pretty conservative; by day 2, you should know if you’re at least in the ballpark, since you’ve got the tail from Day 1 in there, and any other residual is relatively minimal. Is there anyone who has switched from a pump to Tresiba you could ask? Because I didn’t have highs that bad my first day, but I think switching from Lantus is likely different (and I think gives you a more similar starting estimate perhaps). Might be worth posting on the other forum as well?
Also, now that I’m thinking back, my initial dose was too high (was taking about 20u of Lantus I think, and started with that for Tresiba, and went down to 16u of Tresiba), so that also played into my first day not being as bad potentially.
I don’t know…@eric, maybe? I know he’s used a pump and Tresiba.
I do think switching from a pump is different. With Lantus, you have at least some residual insulin activity for several days (even though a vast majority of it wears off after 24 hours). With a pump, all the residual insulin wears off after five hours or so.
Yeah. What about Terry?
Oh, he’d be good, too. I think I’ll go post on the other site to see what he and others say.
[Edit: there we go, posted. I’ll be interested to see what responses I get.]
Also, you can search “untethered” over there to find some threads.
I’m not doing an untethered regimen, though. I’m switching straight from the pump over to Tresiba to see if I like it (I also intend to try out the OmniPod and Medtronic pumps, if I don’t, just to explore all my options).
Yep, just thought I recalled some discussion on the switch though mixed in.
I’ll try them out, too. But I’ve heard wildly varying opinions about when they’ll be here. So I just want to make sure I know about all my options.
Oh, okay. I’ll have a look after breakfast and see if I find anything helpful.
Clearly, I needed coffee before replying! LOL!
Yeah, I’ve just (re)quit caffeine as of today. So it may be a long couple of days between the highs and caffeine withdrawal!
Could be asking for trouble, since you’re allergic to Teflon.
I’ve heard that it may be made from a different material than most infusion sets. But this is the main reason I would like to give it a try. I have one of the little sample pods (no insulin) and must say, I do like the look of it! Smaller than I expected.
Right now there’s apparently a deal on for Animas pumpers where you can get a PDM for free and your insurance pays for the pods. So there’s really no risk in trying that for me. I just need to see whether it’s dependent on having an Animas warranty (mine is long expired).