Teenagers and self-discipline with food

Slightly off the Halloween topic but re self control and junk food…I’m finding food self discipline just doesn’t EXIST for my T1 teenage boy (13) or any of his non T1 friends. They just Hoover up what’s in front of them like food zombies, poor things. Point being, I think there are times in the teenage years when growth spurts and puberty metabolism overcome even a decent amount of ingrained self-discipline. I keep the food in our house healthy out of pity – if I needed 6-7 thousand calories a day (which is what a teenage boy often needs) it would be awful to look around and see a bunch of stuff I knew I “shouldn’t eat too much of” while the little voice in my brain stem was shouting EAT, YOU FOOL. I’m sure when he’s an adult, healthy choices will be way easier, but I figure life is demanding enough self discipline from him right now, he shouldn’t be ambushed by a donut :grinning:.

God bless you, peanut butter. Our growth chart and our budget owe you so much.