Tandem T-flex

Actually we are still getting used to this new pump also. We had the Animas Ping for maybe six years? And the Tandem for maybe 5 months now? So I expect we are not done yet making use of everything. About a month ago maybe we changed the Duration of Insulin Action (DIA). For some reason it actually seemed to be impacting differently than on the Animas. The Tandem definitely boluses much much more slowly maybe that has something to do with it? Anyway making that one change really threw a monkey wrench into everything and so we did a bunch of other changes to balance and compensate (both I:C and basal rates). But it seems to be balancing out pretty good and it does seem to be running much better. Mostly. lol

We have the DIA set to 4.5 hrs now and based on the cgm data this really does seem to be accurate.

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Speed maybe, but keep in mind, the IOB formulas for the two pumps are different, so maybe that is part of the difference you are seeing.

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@Thomas, what exactly does the G5 integration allow you to do right now?

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I considered plotting out the IOB curve. I eyeballed it just enough to verify it is not ā€œstraight lineā€. Nice rainy day project. lol

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I very much appreciate Tandem doing the integration and releasing it. That proves they are still making ā€œrealā€ product and able to release. This is a step towards their next two big updates.

Other than that, no real practical benefit.

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It just adds the Dexcom plot, bg number and trend to a pretty small screen. Next year things getting interesting with the insulin suspend (fingers crossed on timing) and the year or two after with their closed loop implementation. When the boy is in college and experimenting with alcohol (fingers crossed), I am thinking insulin suspend could prolong the period someone will have to recognize that he isnā€™t just sleeping it off.


My hope for the Tandem Hybrid Closed Loop (HCL) also revolves around college. Tandem is still saying launch goal of HCL is late 2018. That would give us a very reasonable amount of ā€œslippageā€ time in the approval process and still hit our ā€œcollege timeframeā€.

Although the G5/X2 integration as currently released is modest (to be polite), I see this G5/X2 update release as confirmation that this is not all just vaporware. To me, that is a big deal in and of itself.


Funny, I also look at every closed loop time line thinking: will it be fully released by college time?

I have more time than you do though :slight_smile: I am still hoping for Omnipod ā€“ although the fabulous news from yesterday gives me much to cheer for!

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Pretty sure by the time Liam is in college, if there isnā€™t a cure, at least there will be an very advanced closed loop system for the Omnipod. 13 - 15 years away for us still.

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