So it's apparently law now?

Hahahahhaha. You do realize that technically, @Thomas, I was quoting you? Ironically I couldn’t find anything short and sweet that I have ever written ever. :rofl::joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But yes, it’s excellent advice and easier for them to read. And @Sam is right, they can reach out with questions!

Specificing exactly what you need in what dosing is helpful however. Old prescriptions would be great! But you could probably also figure out your TDD and provide that plus a little extra for priming and whatnot - that would help.


Yes… eg “doctor I need a renewed rx for Lantus solostar pens for 33 units / day please. I prefer the Walgreens pharmacy on 12th street (or if you prefer mail order “I prefer cvs Caremark”)

Time is money for them and their staff. And responding to patients outside of billable codes is a waste of both. They’re not pen pals. Tell them what you need and where you need it. Life is easier when you’re direct with the people who need direct interaction and we can spend all day talking about the rest here on FUD