Severe nausea with "high" BG?

Awesome. Another Carb-Monkey to join me in my carb-filled madness.
:cake::monkey::fries::monkey: :pizza::monkey::icecream::monkey::hamburger:

Welcome to the dark side.


HA. I’d laugh, but my stomach hurts. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I definitely joined the madness/dark side today…my lunch (that might have glutened me!) was 1/3 bottle of full sugar Sprite, jalapeño bratwurst with peppers, onions, and pickled veggies, French fries (with ketchup, of course!), and for dessert…oh, my, 1/2 serving of a molten chocolate cake with ice cream, TONS of caramel sauce, and strawberries. More carbs than I’ve eaten in one meal in a long time, and definitely tons more sugar…and I don’t think I went over 160 even though I stayed there way longer than I would have liked (and I’ve already been thinking through what to do differently next time I have that kind of meal).


I am surprised at the French Fries. We find gluten-free french fries very difficult to come by. Actually only two places have we found that can assure us they are prepared gluten-free of any contamination.

With all due respect, I’m kinda nauseous reading what you ate for lunch. Lolololol! That’s impressive!!!

I was wondering if you’d had gluten exposure too.

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The only time I feel nausea when high is when I have high ketones from a lack of insulin. When I was eating a low-carb diet (I’ve fallen off that wagon for the time being, so am back to spiking every day) and hardly ever went high, I would feel symptoms at relatively low levels, like 10.0 mmol/L. But those symptoms were more like lethargy and a dry mouth, not feeling sick to my stomach.

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My experience is that change in daily routine is death on diets :frowning:

Yeah, before this place, there were only two places I knew of, too. I plan to call them today, because I actually forgot to ask if they were made ina dedicated fryer the first time we ate here, and I was fine then (and the next time I ate), so it didn’t even cross my mind to make sure yesterday. Extremely careless on my part, and I am usually SO careful. I just had a very odd day that majorly threw me off my game. :slightly_frowning_face:

@TravelingOn, it was all SO GOOD! But definitely more carbs/sugar than I’m used to eating all at once. By the time I got to dessert, the baby was freaking out (he doesn’t do particularly well when we go places…we keep trying, hoping he’ll get used to it), so I wasn’t paying as close attention to my portion as we hurried to finish, and there was probably some stress eating going on, too…

@Jen, I did check for ketones, and thankfully it was negative.

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I sometimes feel a bit nauseous when high even when not producing ketones, but I’m talking about more like, 200+ range (though I find my hyper symptoms thresholds lower as control tightens), and I liken it to the nausea of a mild hangover. I think both are primarily caused by dehydration—with both alcohol and high blood sugars, your body ends up flushing your system more than usual. Usually the threshold for that is closer to 150-180, rather than 120 though, but maybe your body is more sensitive to high blood sugars? I would try drinking a lot of water next time and see if that helps.

The other possibility I can think of is maybe you get temporary vision changes with the highs (which is common), and the resulting eye strain produces a motion-sickness type of reaction. If it’s that, not much to do except do your best to bring your sugars back in line and minimize eye strain as much as you can in the meantime (not always feasible).

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My daughter - the same.

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