Putting a numerical value on stress

No unfortunately, I only see what my average work day looks like. Sorry. :frowning:


I’m sorry you’re feeling crappy and your BG is higher than you’d like. :frowning_face: I am glad you’ve realized the cause and are trying different things to make that resolve.

This thread has excellent advice in it. I’m not happy you need the advice, but it’s great to read it all in one place.

Honestly, it sounds more like anxiety than what I’d label as stress. If it’s tangled and unrecognizable, for me, it’s anxiety. Maybe it’s semantics though. Whatever it is, is a problem for you. For me, anxiety can be labeled. And when I realize it was anxiety that’s causing the stress-overload issue, and I labeled as anxiety, sometimes that makes it skitter away back where it came from. I’ve still got the stressor but my reaction is less gnarly.

I’m tossing my vote in for meditation. Even in small doses - ten deep breaths is better than none. And @Jan’s scheduling suggestion is great. As is @T1Allison’s suggestion to pare back everything in life that doesn’t have to happen. Just the basics. Say no more often. I feel like this is coming up on the season of insanity, and the less that has to be done, the better.

I’m sending good thoughts your way and I hope you’re having smooth sailing soon. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: