Omnipod basal preset at particular times?

Are you asking about just adjusting your basal profile? It’s pretty easy to do.

You can’t make a change while it is running, so turn off insulin delivery for a short time so you can edit your basal program:

  • From the Home screen, go to >Suspend, and suspend insulin delivery for 30 minutes / 0.5 hours

Now edit your basal program:

  • Go to >Settings>Basal programs
  • Select the basal program you want to change.
  • Pick edit
  • Go to the time you want to change, or add a new time segment, and enter the rate you want


  • From the home screen, go to resume and resume your basal program

Did you have training on it? You should call your trainer and have them walk you through it. That is something they definitely should be able to do for you.