"New" to Omnipod and Pumping: 4 years in and I feel like I'm missing something

Hi Allison,
Sorry to interrupt! Just saw this and it caught my eye again.

As I read through your thread I keep thinking this issue:

Sounds like absorption problems. All the Gary Scheiner stuff is well and good. Gary is a sharp guy. But if your body is not absorbing well after 3 days, leaving the pod on there after putting on a new one probably won’t help.

Some people have a tissue type that just doesn’t absorb well after several days or large doses. This is the problem I have.

This is just not something any pump maker will tell you!

Imagine watering a very nice lawn over and over. It has been cultivated and aerated properly and has very good soil. The water absorbs very well. Now imagine doing the same thing to a lawn with crappy soil and hasn’t been aerated. Eventually you see puddles on it.

The reason I am mentioning this is because you said “day 3”. Would you be able to swap after 2 days for a few weeks and see if it gets better?

I made this little picture as an illustration. I think this shows it well. I know for sure day 3 is not as good for me as day 1.

