Nausea and Vomiting with Severe Hypoglycemia?

Holy cow dude.

I am so sorry. So, so, so sorry. That sounds like a shockingly awful experience, and I (thanks to @T1Allison for pointing this out) am also thankful you are safe and made it through. But, I shed a few tears thinking of what a bad night that was for you (and also said plenty of swear words.)


That is what to do in case of a severe low and nausea. There are a few threads about mini-dosing (not using it all). I’ve included a number of threads which you might enjoy reading, and selecting the best bits to pass along.

But, seriously, yes, family retraining must happen. I’m glad you’ve had this opportunity to realize this - beats hell out of the alternative.

It wouldn’t ever occur to me to even test BG if Eric vomited and passed out, I think I would assume LOW and treat if possible, Glucagon if not possible to treat. I know that high BG is the boogieman here, but I am of the impression that being high for a moment won’t kill you, but being low might. Eric reports that he’s never felt nauseous during a low to that degree however, so we don’t have any firsthand knowledge to pass along.

Here are some Glucagon threads:

Here are some threads about sugar and treating lows in general…but rereading them it occurred to me that they don’t solve the nearly unconscious problem.

Glucose Necklace

Best Candies for Lows

I will end by saying I am glad you are fine and typing your message and not still puking. I am SO GLAD!