Nausea and Vomiting with Severe Hypoglycemia?

That’s what happened here for us. Your sharing led to a great discussion.

Honestly, a year and a day ago (pre-FUD) EH and I didn’t really have any of these plans, or an insulin horde, or a pump, or even wear the Dex regularly! (actually, I went to the pharmacy and got an new glucagon kit, and the pharmacist and I learned how to do it together. So FUD has educated 2 people on the central coast! He didn’t know how to use it either and was embarrassed - but I was like - no worries, let’s bust this thing open and figure it out right now!)

And I think being able to enjoy birthday brownies (or even everyday brownies) are something that FUD would embrace as UNLIMITED. Which is kinda the point.

For reference:
The great milkshake and banana split challenge!