Minnesota AG sues insulin makers for deceptive price raising

If you could just expand this concept into 50,000+ pages of incomprehensible regulations that nobody understands that expand to absolutely everything, particularly gold coins and interstate cabbage transportation—- then insist that you have to pass it to see what’s in it, you’d likely have a slam dunk that’d get bipartisan support at the federal level.


A handful of states have passed various verions of drug “transparentcy” laws in regards to pricing.

Connecticut recently passed a law. Potentially one very minor issue:

Based on the final language of the law, PBM rebate information submitted to the Department will be treated as confidential and exempt from disclosure under the state’s Freedom of Information Act, while information submitted by health carriers and manufacturers does not seem to be afforded the same level of protection.


Or at the very least, substantial increases in campaign contributions to help make this all disappear…

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