Medical reduction in utility bills due to Diabetes -- what do you think?

This is true. I’m not trying to be unsupportive of disabilities or the disabled in general - I’m sorry if my post came across that way. I often find people of any ability are capable of far more than some folks might think they are. :slight_smile:

I guess I just am thinking of the label of “disability” and what that reflects. Obviously not what might at first be thought.

Still think I’m not coming across correctly…trying to. Maybe failing at it!

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Also, you mentioned new windows. Do you think solar would be a good option?

I live in an old house with no heating other than space heaters presently. Solar doesn’t make sense for me because the roof is falling apart. But it might make sense if you’re planning on living there for the long run.

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well SF is cloudy and we have a flat roof so likely not…

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Maybe a wind turbine? :wink:

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@ErinElizabeth indicated that this has happened to us before and the cause was that the electric company only “estimated” usage during a previous month and charged us one amount, but then the next month when an actual usage was measured at the meter it was found to be more, so they charged us more in the current month for the previous months use. I wanted to mention it in case this is something that’s happening to you as well.


Which is quite likely if this is their first month in the house… the estimated use having been way off.

It was an “estimated use” gone wrong that led to he highest electric bill of my life…

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If only this were the case. Luckily PG&E uploads electricity data each night so I’ve been obsessively tracking it… I talked with a nice lady at PG&E, who walked me through typical energy usage for every possible source in my house. And we concluded that some appliance is wonky because my base usage during the time when I was on vacation (and when i was back and being a heat miser) are way, way higher than they should be. So she suggested doing a breaker test, and we have a Kill-a-watt. I suspect the downstairs mini fridge because if it malfunctioned we wouldn’t notice.
So we’re testing tonight. if it is malfunctioning we may be elegibile for a rebate for “non benefit of use.”