Maximize Dexcom G5 Transmitter Life

I had a receiver, but never used it. I used to get my stuff from foundation care who are also useless. They always only sent one transmitter in the pack for insurance as I only can get 90 days coverage maximum and that is one transmitter, including the first delivery of receiver / two sensors which I thought was meant to be two by default. Dexcom were sending me one only ( it was 260 for 1)

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success - it worked for now - is providing reading after the 2 hr mark despite what the tech guy - lets see how long it lasts for - hopefully until i get the new one

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Awesome !!!

So this was Day #105 for you and it allowed the restart.

I would be floored if the G5 transmitter does not last 7 days. With the G5, it is very specifically not supposed to allow a session to start if it will not also allow it to run the 7 days. Hopefully this gives you enough time for the delivery of the new transmitter.

Was this a new sensor so as to be able to expect no sensor problems within 7 days? How many days do you typically get out of a sensor?

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I normally get them to work for 2 wks - this is the second week now - but usually no problems until I start it again for the 3rd time. Iā€™m not swimming or hot tubbing this week so it should be OK.

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@Robellengold, for the sake of gathering correct data, could you confirm (a) when you started your transmitter and (b) when you did your last successful restart?

@Michel - I believe the dates are:

Jun 20, 2017. Day #1. G5 Transmitter activated.
Oct 1, 2017. Day #104. Sensor started successfully.
Oct 4, 2017. Day #107. Sensor failed to start.

Jun 23, 2017. Day #1. G5 Transmitter activated.
Oct 5, 2017. Day #105. Sensor started successfully.
Oct 6, 2017. Day #106. Message said sensor would not restart however not verified.

So my hypothesis is that the sensor will start at any point during Day #105, it will fail at all points of Day #107.

On Day #106 it is time based from the time of transmitter activation and will start if done prior to the time of day the transmitter was activied and fail if done after that time of day. If time of day of transmitter activation is not know then I would expect some people to have success and some people to have failure on Day #106.

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Note. If wanting to check exactly what time a transmitter was activated, the Clarity CSV exports have all the data necessary to determine such.

The exports also have the Dexcom Transmitter ID.

Exports can be obtained for up to 90 days at a time.

June 23 - transmitter started at 6pm -
Sept 29 - sensor session started at 2pm and got message saying it was last one
Oct 5 - stopped sensor and restarted midday got another message saying it was last session for transmitter when I restarted it (before the warmup )
No messages since

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@Robellengold - Just for kicks, when you are ready to change out the transmitter, you can try doing a stop and then start of the sensor against your current transmitter.
Then you will see the FINAL message which definitely means your current transmitter can no longer be used.
All the other messages you got were warnings. The next one will be a hard stop - no bypassing.

And then just swap the transmitter, put the new receiver id in, let it pair and then start the sensor.

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I think we should wikify this thread.

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Yes thatā€™s what it did - got sensor ending message and it stopped at 11.30
It wasnā€™t possible to start new sensor session as the message was pair new transmitter ( there was no more message warning of transmitter ending it just stopped )
My new one arrived miraculously at 12 o clock after dealing with usual bs from medical supply company for 5 days


Great confirming info.


Yikes! I just read this thread, and I only have a one word responseā€“ā€œxDrip+ā€

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