Here’s @karl.n’s thread:
Now all I have to do is get me an endo…
Here’s @karl.n’s thread:
Now all I have to do is get me an endo…
They aren’t very good at taking customer bug reports, but then no one in the software industry is. There is a major bug in the Dash PDM battery management. It’s clearly a bug in the hardware they are using, but they sent me a new PDM, which has the same bug. This seems like an appropriate place to post a list (since the thread is about the Omnipod), bear in mind I find bugs in every single piece of software I use and, often, I report bugs, but lately I’ve been giving up:
@jbowler I had the same impression of the “> DAMNED GREEN BAR <“ that pops up covering the button we obviously need to press next. However, I’ve been reading the actual User Guide and found out yesterday that you can swipe the thing away! It’s not intuitive, but it works, give it a try. Of course, it would be better to have the banner selectable (on/off) or have it come in the middle of the screen (as long as it doesn’t interfere with what you want to do next).
(Look at us, being impatient to get on with it and all…it takes like 2-3 seconds… Hey! All we want is all we want!)
OMG, the number of times I tried to do that, but did I try swiping to the right? Of course I did not, not even Apple with their idiotUserInterface did something as counterintuitive as that. I tried down (like, the logical way, or UP when the DGB appears at the top), I tried LEFT (backwards, and the iUSER way - RIGHT does an ‘open’ operation) but I never tried RIGHT. Oh well, another bug.
Thanks for pointing it out, the chances I will actually remember such a PoS are minimal, but maybe I’ll just hold my finger on it and swipe the PDM forcefully to the left, in the general direction of a concrete wall, and achieve the same result[1].
[1] I just tried that, it works; I didn’t use a concrete wall because I don’t fell like ringing Insipid tonight to get my replacement PDM.
@jbowler Wow! I didn’t even think of (nor read in the handbook) what direction I needed to swipe! I must have just done it correctly by accident! I’m now going to have to try the other directions…not that I don’t trust your comments, just like to confirm MY PDM is as YOUR PDM!
I’ve had the same question about the flash screen. I was always swiping “up” as swiping “right” seemed to only work intermittently! Of course (I’m an iPhone XR user) that’s after getting exasperated when it doesn’t open with facial recognition!!
On the Dash system, are you able to bolus without entering a BG or carb number?
Yes. Indeed I did that in the middle of the night last night to do a 1/2 hour extended bolus of 8IU. The total bolus can always be increased or decreased but it appears that if a BG is entered then only the amount corresponding to the Carb entry can be "extended’. So I had a correction bolus calculation of about 5.5IU and was going up still; I guesstimated 8IU. I had to abort the bolus entry, go back into the screen, and enter 8IU (from memory). I was then able to extend it 1/2 hour.
In fact I had a much better response last night to the correction; in the past when I’ve just delivered a large bolus such as this with no delay the effects on seem to last for an hour or two and I don’t see a drop, last night I got exactly the behavior I expected and was at a satisfactory BG after a few hours.
FWIW, I have bolus calcs turned off on mine so that I don’t have to go through any of the menus of it asking if I am eating, how many carbs, what my BG is, all of that stuff.
I just enter a bolus amount and hit it.
Does the Dash version allow that?
Apparently - bolus calculations can be turned off. What it does I don’t know. I do know that the most obvious thing a computer can do that we can’t do is arithmetic; my personal failure rate on “divide by 50” is ridiculously enormous, as for divide by 55 (my previous I/C ratio), I wouldn’t even attempt that myself (if I had to I think I’d end up multiplying by 9 somewhere, a piece of paper would help).