“Eff it” is my motto.
i used to use the One Touch as well b/c my Medicare paid 100% for 300 strips per month. gosh, you cant beat that, right?! well, as it turns out, the One Touch is about the least reliable meter i have ever used. i would get wildly out of the world readings from it. within a moment, if i tested 3 times, i would get 3 completely different BG#s. which one would i use to bolus from???
anyway, i switched over to the Contour Next One, which i absolutely love and find to be consistantly reliable, and i buy my strips from Amazon on line. i pay something like $65 for 300 strips (and i test about 20 times per day). i have found that not only is this meter consistant, but it gives me a very accurate reading when matched to my A1c.
i still receive my One Touch strips, and i have about 6 different meters in my possession, 'cause you never know…
My onetouch would drive me NUTS with all of those numbers. Sometimes I’d rage-test and run off like 6 in a row just to see what it would come up with next. I also still have my prescription and all of my meters because, yes, you never know, but there’s no mixed feelings when I have to push one out of the way to get to my ReliOn. I like the ReliOn company. Supposedly their blood pressure machines are excellent, and I really have a lot of luck with the blood sugar meters. I love more than anything that I can get them as I see fit, not having to clear any prescription hurdles or having to explain to anyone how often I plan to test, and for SUCH a good price. At $0.17 a strip, I can almost test to my heart’s delight. Sure, I don’t buy shoes anymore, but those really are overrated.
you are hysterical
i do exactly the same thing with my Contour Next One. I buy my strips on Amazon for practically nothing. i love it.