I’m cured (what the heck?)!

Yup, planning to not take anything in the morning, either, so we’ll see what happens with breakfast. I’m having mixed feelings about this and just feeling very confused.

I can imagine. lol Stockholm syndrome?

I suppose one explanation is that you had gestational diabetes and the lines blurred between that and early type 1? And you’re still antibody positive so you may well truly be early type 1… but it is super interesting that you’re seeing the same essentially normal mealtime blood sugar profiles (considering what you’re eating) with or without insulin. If I were you I’d be asking doc for a reevaluation and explaining all this

:rofl: a little bit like that, yes!

Just had another thought…wondering if maybe this is hormone related. Maybe something’s changed since pregnancy or with breastfeeding hormones that’s put me back closer to where I was pre-pregnancy.

I was diagnosed 4 months before I got pregnant (based on pre-diabetic A1c, low cpep, and positive antibodies). If my experiments keep showing I don’t need insulin, I’m definitely contacting my doctor.

Weird, definitely worth an eval

Also it’s far from unheard of for people to just snap completely out of it for some length of time in the honeymoon period and then regress

If you’re using very small amoutns of insulin, I think your pancreas would just compensate by turning insulin production down and turning glucagon production up in response to whatever your blood sugar was doing.

When were you diagnosed? It’s also possible you’re just having a really strong honeymoon (which can last for years in adults).

Maybe so. Total I’ve only dosed 2.5u insulin and used an 8 Afrezza today.

I was diagnosed in April of last year, and as I mentioned, I was diagnosed fairly early on, so it doesn’t seem difficult to imagine I’m still very early in the honeymoon period - I was sad at how quickly things seemed to progress, but blamed it on my pregnancy. Now I’m thinking pregnancy just whacked things out for a bit and now I might be back to my post diagnosis/pre pregnancy “normal.” Unfortunately, I wasn’t testing my BG until I was almost 5 months pregnant (long story), so I don’t know what my BG looked like pre-pregnancy to compare.

Considering that pregnancy causes diabetes in many women who don’t have it to begin with and causes massive insulin resistance in people with Type 1, it wouldn’t surprise me if pregnancy had a huge effect on things and you’re now back to where you started.

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That would be awesome, in a way, but also scares me. I was just feeling like I’d figured things out (isn’t that diabetes for you?)!

If you don’t actually have diabetes anymore I will have to call an emergency special counsel to decide if we’re going to vote you off the island or not.


Ok, that seriously made me LOL!

I posted on a LADA Facebook group asking if others in the honeymoon period have experienced this. Short answer is yes, a couple of them have. They say it comes and goes, so just go with it. My day so far (no insulin):

Have you still been walking and exercising? It’s amazing how much difference exercise and physical fitness in general makes in insulin sensitivity

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No, unfortunately. Just walking a few days in a row flared up my muscle issues/joint pain, and then my kids (and I) got sick for a few weeks. I haven’t gotten back into it yet. The only thing different this week was starting naltrexone. :woman_shrugging:

Final results on a day without insulin - still diabetic :wink: just need to find my obviously much higher (or do you call it lower?) ratio for higher carb splurges. Ate quite a bit of carbs tonight, and my pancreas couldn’t quite keep up.

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How high is that? Still looks like a pretty flat line to me but I can’t see the scale… non diabetics with perfectly healthy metabolism routinely spike to about 140 on average after carby meals and some as high as about 200… that’s rarer though most max out closer to 160

Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying you’re not a diabetic, I’m just saying currently it seems you aren’t showing the blood sugar profile of a diabetic, maybe because the honeymoon kicked into high gear, maybe because of the changes in other meds, maybe the baby aspects are wearing off, who knows

Testing every hour, it peaked at 157 after ~70ish carbs. It’s taking longer to come back down, too - only 138 an hour after that (so may have gone higher). Outside of those two numbers, I stayed between 85-120 the whole day (as far as I know from finger pricks).

And yes! I know this is NOT what a diabetic’s blood sugars would look like with no insulin. This is just really weird. Thanks for the input on what is normal - I was wondering today how this compared to a non-diabetic.

This seems pretty normal to me… I’d follow up with your doc, this is really interesting…

I’d consider that profile even including the dinner a tremendous success even with intensive insulin dosing for that many carbs

Yeah that looks pretty close to normal (or maybe pre-diabetic levels?) Well if it’s your pancreas sputtering back to live I say enjoy it while you can!

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I do think it fits more the “pre-diabetic” range, as I again went to 150 after breakfast (slightly higher carb than normal, but not crazy - 40 carbs). Really, I think it’s a matter of a ratio change, where I still need a little help for more carbs, but if I stay under a certain amount, I’m ok without. I think I will just try to stick to more moderate carb for most meals and use my Afrezza or Novolog for times I want to splurge and eat freely.

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