How much should basals on the pump account for?

@type1_toddler, first, Welcome to FUD! Please feel free to introduce yourself and your daughter to us in the Welcome, introduce yourself here! thread! Also, if you set your “connection to diabetes” to “Parent of T1”, you’ll be able to set that distinction as your “title”, which will be visible to all members of this fine community!

Also, if you have time and have the desire, please feel free to Share your families story in the Share --> My Story category! Here is Liam’s (my 3 year old…diagnosed at 2 years, 2 months of age) story. Liam’s Story

Okay, so to give you my answer with regards to basal / bolus percentages. When we first started pumping (Liam uses the Omnipod), we tried our best to get as close as possible to 50/50, but that didn’t last long. Why? Because Liam’s Bolus requirements each day FAR exceed his basal requirements. We have him on .05 and .10 per hour staggered as best fits his body. And, for us, that only works out to around 30 to 40% of his TDD (Total Daily Dose). Because we DON’T do low-carb, his meals usually work out to between 25 - 50 carbs PER meal. His I:C is set to 1:18 and 1:20 for different times of the day…1:20 for breakfast because that’s when his BG’s spike the most during the day. For the rest of the day, we do 1:18.

What is right for your and your daughter is really something that no one here can delineate for you - it only comes as a result of many weeks / months of testing. Only after “failing” to find the right dosing do you eventually land on the right dosing. We are currently on a regiment that is working for Liam but we know that this is only temporary. Our toddlers have a lot of stuff going on, growth hormones, brain and body development, extreme sensitivity to insulin, etc., that makes it very hard to find the right mix, but it is possible.

What I learned when I first started him on insulin was first and foremost…find the right basal dose. The right basal dose should keep your daughter flat when fasting (within reason on the number of hours between meals). Once that dose is determined…WHATEVER it amounts too toward your TDD, that’s just what it is. If it’s 10% of TDD, then that’s what works for you. If it’s 90%, that’s what works for you. Each child and person are different so each one of us is going to be different.

I am giving info here that you may already know, but I’m not sure when your daughter was diagnosed or how much knowledge you have right now. If you’re a vet already, then my apologies for giving answers that you may already have known. Please tell us a bit more about your daughter and your family! We consider ourselves family here and we support one another through the good times and the bad. As such, we like to get to know you!

Again, very nice to meet you!