How do you organize & keep track of your diabetes research?

I never seem to be able to find an article that I have read when I need to find its reference. How do you keep track of your diabetes research? I’d love to read about your methods!

I am particularly interested in finding out how @TiaG does it: she always has her references on her fingertips :slight_smile:

I use Evernote and I have a “notebook” called Diabetes that I share with my husband. I’ve been lazier than usual about adding studies to it, but I think it’s important to have one central repository. Another plus of Evernote is it allows you to upload the actual article.
On that note, I’m wondering if we should have a Library wiki sometime in the future – just a central place where people can find all the resources they need?

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Your library wiki is a GREAT idea!

Would you put different kinds of resources there beyond research?

Yeah I see it as an Explore More or Read Further section. So it woudn’t have to all be research. It could also be history (I would LOVE to read about some of those early pioneers who made their own insulin during WWII, for instance), etc. Of course, this all takes work and I am STILL behind on my wikis.

We are dealing with the crazy, insane-making SFUSD lottery right now for Zane’s school and it’s just taking a lot of my focused energy.

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Totally understand! We used to have a lottery when we were in Berkeley. After visiting the school my older son got assigned to, we ended up putting him in private school :frowning:

Do you guys use google alerts? And if so, how do you use it effectively?

If someone has a good google alert for diabetes that would be great to know. I used to use these, and got tired of so much junk reading, with little important material.

I do use Google Alerts for Type 1 Diabetes. I’ve also set up alerts for the companies or research I’m particularly interested in. There’s a lot of chaff in there but some wheat too. I am a journalist so a lot of my job is sifting through this type of stuff; I don’t mind reading the first two sentences of an article to see if it’s junk, redundant, or tangential to my interests.

EDITED TO ADD: One clue that can save time is that redundant stuff often pulls the same image over nd over again. So a recent story about a “cure” for T1D using gene therapy in mice has been repurposed and making the rounds now for weeks; but it often has the same image in the thumbnail because it was pulled from a press release.

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This actually brings up a question I was going to ask about.

Rather than running an email newsletter of any kind, the general suggestion on Discourse is that we subscribe all new users to a specific category for site announcements (wich they, of course, are free to unsubscribe to).

Someone suggested that we create a similar subcategory, that we subscribe all new users to, from which we would post, once a week, a “best of FUD,” including news, best threads, etc. That would essentially serve as a weekly google alert digest, since I am assuming that anything a google alert will show makes it to the forums.

What do you think?