High risk insurance pools: opinions?

If legislators put their thinking caps on, I’m sure they could figure it out…it’s too easy to remain partisan, however. It’s much harder to work together, compromise, and get over themselves, they could get things done.

Social Security (also nationwide) was passed in the 1930’s in VERY short order…and it’s stood the test of time. A testament to what can be accomplished if people put lives over politics.

How has the VA treated you?. My experiences as a patient and working there make me very leery of any federal solution.

I can’t use the VA. I have no service-related disability and, when I was in, you had to do a full 20 years to get any type of “retirement” benefits. I do; however, have several combat disabled veteran brothers who LOVE the VA care that they receive. Their major complaints are of the understaffing within their respective care centers.

Are there problems within the VA and the ACA? Hell yes! LET’S WORK TOGETHER TO FIX THEM! That’s my main point…these days, it seems to be more about “who wins” or “whos name is on something” than the underlying content of the bills being considered AND THEIR IMPACT ON HUMAN LIVES.

4 posts were split to a new topic: New House Republicans Health Insurance Bill