Experimenting with more aggressive bolusing

I wanted to share with the group and would like to know your thoughts:

4 hour BG: 121

7:25 pm pre dinner BG : 101
bolused 6 units for about 55 g of carbs consisting of:
Costco Rotisserie chicken breast (unknown carbs- best guest 3g) on two slices of rye pumpernickel bread (28g) sandwich, less than 1/2 grapefruit (< 15g), some carrots/chickpeas (4g) , and broccoli (5g). I did not prebolus figuring that I would eat the broccoli first and the sandwich next.
10 pm BG 100 - this looks very encouraging
11 pm - 187 - what’s this? Is the Costco Rotisserie Chicken breast one of those nasty fatty foods that would cause a delayed BG rise? I will have to read the ingredient label more thoroughly. I decided to take 1.5 units - I currently only have 8mm pen needles. looked for a spot on my lower thigh with less fat, hopped into the shower.
12 midnight : 165 - yup - I guess there was something in the prepared outside food - the Costco Rotisserie Chicken.

Perhaps I could have bolused more aggressively than the 6 units for this dinner. However, I wonder if the 10 pm BG would have been lower than 100, and then I would likely have overreacted, and over corrected. As it is, most endo’s would say to me, 187 it’s not bad. And I brought it down to 165. (I just started a new cartridge of expired, but refrigerated Novolog, today, Tuesday. It may or may not be related to these wonky numbers. I don’t think that it is the cause because if the insulin were ineffective, my BG’s would be in high 200 to mid 300’s)