Exercise and bg"s

@T1john, I went off to think about what you are trying to accomplish and got lost myself. :grin: How are things going?? You mess with anything and hit the jackpot??

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No, actually gone the other way. Have had to cut back. The pereferial neuropathy has been hitting me hard. Down to riding bike and 15 minutes of ti-chi. Haven’t done anything today, just want to knock myself out but know that I’ll be up all night in hell if I do.


@Nickyghaleb, want to say mi I-R is started to go back to normal, I have started o get early reduce basal eat breakfast then start light,when bg"s start climbing i invrease intensiy, went from 30 minutes 1hr. Plus 1 mile dog walk. Usually at beginning of dog walk i resume normal dasal and watch. Throughout thr day i have 3 diffrent phaseses i am doing, started using alot of suspends to help vontrol.
Hope that may have answered you query. If you want I can explanr my routines at about her time.

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not only do i have to have NO active IOB, i do a zero% TB for 2.5 hours BEFORE swimming. i swim for 1.5 hours, and then i do basal insulin replacement (this must cover the 4 hours that i have been off of my pump)i do not crash (if i do it is very very rare) but i always keep my glucose tablets by the end of the pool lane and i test my BG every 1/2 hour and treat if needed.

check out my thread :“Daisy Mae’s Swimming” you may find it helpful, although YDMV.



Okay… just wanted to check in, @T1john, to see how things are going. I’ve gone back a few times to see if maybe looking at your posts with fresh eyes would help… and I’m still pretty shaky with what I understand.

The only thing I did see, which could be coincidence, is that you mentioned reducing activity again… and then in another post mentioned your Carb Ratio returning to normal. It made me think maybe with slowing down again your insulin needs start to return to normal again… But I have no idea if any of these things are still true. It’s been a couple of days since we’ve talked. So how’s it going? :grin:

Good evening, I am hoping my needs are returning because it was the drugs I was taking have finally left my system. Am still playing with my basal rates which seams a battle all in its self. I have cut back alot and am starting over. Just doing the gronam (? Breahing ballance exercising) and dog walk. Stopped ti-chi and bike ride)
Have started doing o basal and o ion before starting try to start around 110 and see what happends. Today I started at 113 finished a hour later at 82. Turned basal back on ate some srealfast and went in 120 but came back down to 97 and hovered there till lunch.

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