Daisy Mae's swimming BG thread

hi, its me again. just to fill you in, its coming up on 2 full weeks in bed with this cruel and unforgiving bug. aches, pains, changing temp basal rates, and a head that feels like it will implode. sweaty and then cold, ugh.

needless to say, i have not been in the pool since friday august 18th and it is now august 30th. oh my. i am so frustrated. especially whenever i go into my bathroom and see my swimsuits hanging over the shower, completely dry, just begging for me to take them down and put them to proper use. :blush:

and just for experiments’ sake, i have strongly been considering erics mad mad idea of creating a false temp basal to off-set a 0% basal setting while prepping for my swim. (kindly refer to the new post on “temp basals” and you will see the insanity of combined minds and how far we can tempt the boundaries of modern science.)

thats all i really have to say. well, except that i really miss the pool and swimming terribly.