Coronatine Helping My Joint Issues?

Since having my first pregnancy, I’ve had back, sacroiliac, right hip, right rib, right piriformis, right ischial bursitis and right shoulder issues. I’ve been to a spine doctor. I been to a sports medicine doctor. I’ve done physical therapy numerous times for months at a time. I’ve been to a chiropractor. I’ve been to a massage therapist. I’ve done and do yoga. I’ve bought crazy contraptions meant to relax muscles.

I hurt all of the time. I hurt laying still in bed. I hurt walking. I just hurt and I ignore it.

ANYWAY…Coronatine. I’m not driving. Bc Coronatine. And my hip pain and all other pain is starting to evolve. It still hurts. But it hurts differently now. And less.

I’m beginning to wonder if a large part of my problem was asymmetrical joint use brought on by driving. Driving can make piriformis issues worse. And I was hurting much more after driving prior to Coronatine…and periodically for stretches of time prior to that.

I’m curious if a nice, long-term break from driving will help heal my body. When all of these issues presented, I was driving two hours to and from work each way due to colossal traffic for five years. Otherwise when that traffic jam wasn’t happening, I was still living in the car as a working mother with kids in childcare and in extracurricular activities.

I just think this is interesting and wanted to throw it out there since we’re all FUDding more than usual right now anyway. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.


Wow that is a great insight. Sucky way to gain the insight, but what the hey Coronatine all around. Unfortunately the only way to avoid parental driving duties is to have your kids age out. When they do it is kind of spooky how little time you have to interact with your kiddo’s. Wonder what would have happened if your job was sitting in a plane. You might be a wreck by now.


Yes, I have noticed the same thing from driving in general. It aggravates my hip.

Do you want some core work for your hips?


@T1Allison I also had excruciating piriformis pain the last month or two prior to the quarantine. Even though I’m insanely sedentary around here, it’s all dissolved, thanks to me not driving at all. I actually never drove much anyways, but the 20 minutes a day had a horrible effect on my back.

So many of our habits before this quarantine I’m rethinking, from eating out to signing the kids up for tons of activities. Driving a ton is one I knew wasn’t great but I never really calculated how much of it I did and now that I basically never leave the house it’s been clear it affected my back a lot.


Any chance that a different car might help a lot?


Don’t forget to hit up the other parents whose kids are participating in the activities for car pools.