Weird: they don’t appear to sell insulin anymore. And their insulin prices are unbelievable high.
We researched sources and prices for Canada insulin:
It is really, really nice of him to reply to our questions.
The way I read this excellent analysis, I don’t see him expecting big movement in price here.
So, my conclusion is that the real difference will be if are able to find a way to import it legally in online orders.
For sure, it is already a much more affordable manner to get insulin, legal or not, as long as the FDA tolerates 3 months of prescription as they do today. Poor Shane Boyle would be alive: he needed $750 to pay for his insulin. Here he would have been able to get it for about $200.
I can’t get his story out of my head. Shame on us for letting this happen.
@Michel Thank you for coordinating this, it’s interesting and insightful.
I don’t necessarily expect to see much of any change in list prices here either… because essentially they’re just a false number that has no meaning, artificially created to keep people dependent on insurance coverage with little or no basis in financial reality… perhaps we might see more discount card type programs for individual drugs etc if a significant share starts being purchased overseas