Changing infusion sets on the go

Having run and been involved with many conferences, finding space is usually pretty easy. Just find an employee and ask. We always had extra rooms or rooms that weren’t being used that day that they could let you into.


@Jen, so sorry you had to deal with that situation. Definitely stressful on top of getting up in front of people to present!

Personally, I don’t like a lot of attention on me or asking for things from others like Nicky was saying, so I would probably opt for the bathroom. For me, I don’t mind that my coworkers know I have diabetes, but I wouldn’t want a bunch of eyes on me while I do something that feels pretty private, especially if pulling my belly out is included lol.

Maybe another option, if you drive, is to use your car as a private-ish safe haven? Or a family bathroom so you have more room and counter space. I’ve definitely had my fair share of site changes in bathrooms… even once dropped tubing in the toilet :woman_facepalming:

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I also think that family bathrooms are much more comfortable and hygienic. If we had to use a bathroom that would be a good choice.

I don’t imagine they would be available where you were though, @Jen. I like @Chris’s idea of asking for access to a separate room if possible and practical. I never would have thought of that.

One thing we have done, however, is trampling along the corridors looking for an open room or cafeteria in some places. We had good luck with that in Edinburgh for instance: we were in a local museum and had to change pods in a hurry. We walked up and down the corridors until we found, in the private “forbidden access” area (which nobody controlled access to), a meeting room that looked like the salon of a robber baron of the middle ages, with a giant fireplace that you could walk into, a bunch of moth-eaten hunting trophies yards high on the walls, armor from the 15th century, a huge amount of open marble floor, and one tiny little table in a corner, which we liberated for 15 minutes of private use. I wish I had taken a picture of the four of us in that gigantic hunting lodge-room with all of our paraphanelia in the open!

I would have labeled it “diabetes in the Middle Ages” :slight_smile:


Pics or it didn’t happen.