Basal Rates and Hormones

How I track my hormones:

  1. Day 1 of each cycle is menstruation start
  2. I only basal test during week 2 of my cycle (about Days 8-12) because they are the least affected by hormones. This sets the “shape” of my basal profile and I change amplitude (temp basals) the rest of the cycle based on need. Conventional wisdom says you can basal test anytime other than menstruation, but I have found it can make your basal profile really lopsided which can become slightly disastrous when you add temporary basals (i.e. something was set at a high hormone time, then when you add 20% next month due to swings it goes that much higher and hello lows!)

My typical cycle plan for basal rates:
Day 1: -10%
Days 2-13: +0
Days 14-17: +15 - +40%
Days 18-21: +20% - +25%
Days 22-23: +25% - +35% (for some reason Day 23 is a sluggish disaster every month so may need more)
Days 24-30: +20% - +30%

**Also note that exercise can really help keep the extra basal needs in check. If I am sedentary during ovulation, all bets are off. I try to get 10,000 steps a day to keep basals functioning properly in my body.