Basal Discussion Deep Dive for Everyone

Insulin resistance due to hormones (most likely) is at it again: near ovulation (day 14).

Top graph is last night’s overnight timeframe. Bottom graph is the last 24 hours (yesterday and overnight). I had to use +20% to get through breakfast yesterday, but got through the rest of the day with +0% and pretty decent balancing with peaks and dips care of boluses the rest of the day. I would have liked the average BG to be lower, but in dealing with hormone induced insulin resistance this is a pretty good balancing act. No tanking lows. No stuck highs. BG movement throughout the day is what I’m going for. I was able to eat 2100 calories which was no small feat.

Snack bolus at 7:15PM of 4 units. Ate a snack at 8PM. Mini correction of 0.5 units at 9:15PM. Going into bedtime, I used +15% basal because I had noticed increased resistance through the evening. I haven’t gone above +10% temp basal overnight in a long time because it almost always results in a persistent low.Then here are the overnight actions:

Using +15% basal overnight
11:20PM: 1.35 correction
3:20AM: 1.8 correction
6:40AM: 1.5 correction
6:40AM: Turned up temp basal from +15% to +20%
7:10AM: Turned up temp basal from +20% to +25% when I woke up for the day

Clearly I didn’t have enough basal overnight. The correction boluses would eventually chip away at the high bg, then the insufficient basal would win and I would drift back up to 200+. This is the information that is always changing on me. This is why it is hard for me to eat enough each day because I’m trying to pin down what the basal needs are while eating enough but not tanking and not spiking above 220 if at all possible. I am pleased with how well I kept the full day in balance without getting into a rebounding rollercoaster situation, which is super easy to do in this set of circumstances.