A primer on intramuscular bolus injecting

You could try experimenting with Regular insulin (Actrapid) to deal with meals like this. It’s much more effective than multiple boluses of NovoRapid, but can be combined with your initial meal dose of NovoRapid (or Fiasp which you should try) to simulate what pumpers do when they dual-wave bolus.


Your body decides how much insulin you need, your job is to take it. Rising all night means your body needed more insulin. So give it. The job of basal is to keep your BG steady when it’s not being pushed around by something else (stress, illness, digestion, exercise, …)

FYI my basal rate during the afternoon is 0.25u/hr and my basal rate during the night is 0.95u/hr. Why on earth would I be concerned about “unbalanced basal?” The things to be concerned about would be “insufficient basal” and “too much basal” because either of those would drive my BG out of range without correction after correction after correction.