7 year old son, new to T1D: Omnipod vs T-slim

Hi Liam’s mom. Welcome to FUD.

I don’t think you have to choose between one or the other.

I avoided pumps for 44 years because I did not want to have the tubes and the device attached to me.

But…I actually think it helps to get a handle on it with injections first before you go to a pump. Since you are just starting out, I think it would help you to spend some time learning it with injections and manual adjustment of basal insulin, so that you understand how it really works.

If you get right on a pump that is doing all the basal adjustments behind the scenes, you will never really have a true understanding of it all. You will always need to rely on the pump’s adjustments, and it is always somewhat of a mystery.

With athletics, there is an entirely different set of rules. We have some people on FUD who can help with that.

I know you have just joined, and there are 1,000,001 posts to read. There is a ton of stuff to learn, and everyone will be giving advice on a million things.

I would suggesting you start by reading this rather long thread.