

I’ve been type 1 diabetes since October 1970. It’s kind of a funny story, it all had to do with the day I told my Mom I had a stomach ache, hoping she would let me stay home from school so I could watch TV.

The rest of the story…

I’ve been very fortunate to be free of too many complications, was very active as a grad student in geology, doing a lot of hiking, camping, bicycling, kayaking. I completed 6 half marathons and 2 full ones, which is plenty because I Hate Running.

I owe much to the things I learned as a camper and ;later counselor at Camp Glyndon (Maryland).

I’ve been on an insulin pump since 2006.

I had a first wake-up call to take better care with a bout of diabetic retinopathy in 1993, receiving “as much laser as was possible”. It’s been mostly stable except for a flare up in 2018 while traveling in the UK.

I’m still quite the fluctuating glucose levels, I like food!