Diagnosed in the Beatles era. Started pumping in 2008. Blog about diabetes (older blogs are at Diabetes1.org where I was hired to help their website) and have a private one called The Roller Coaster Ride of Diabetes. I do alot of posts on Instagram after being told by youth at an IDF (International Diabetes Federation) conference in Vancouver a few years ago that Facebook was for old folks (moi … old … pish posh ). Let’s just say I have many fingers in many pots all over the world as I love educating and helping others.
Also, I’m not Fat … just plump … and reason for my name is because of a diabetic cat called Beaudoin that had better blood sugar control than I did. He sadly died before his time and if you feel like a cry … you can find it at this link … http://www.therollercoasterrideofdiabetes.com/2014/04/