Type 1 diabetes diagnosis: antibody tests and C-peptide

I’m reviving this topic to ask a question about an IAA test. Thanks to @SobeiT’s for causing me to try and educate myself (see posted quote), causing me to try to use my mind’s limited fine-grain net…it failed! So, I went back to the lab report confirming my dx as T1 a couple years ago. In addition to having GAD, they a whole panel of tests, including IAA. Then ‘til now, I viewed the IAA test result through the prism of “did I have T1 or T2,” never thinking of what IAA stood for or other potential consequences. Realizing we aren’t pedigreed docs, am I correct in understanding a high IAA result “can” mean my insulin dosing may not work as effectively due to the anti-bodies attacking the very insulin I’m using to treat myself for carbs or high BGs? My understanding is a “normal” IAA result is <=5 and my result was a 45 (yes, @SobeiT you beat me!). I’m wondering if this may be why I sometimes get stuck on a higher than desired BG with little insulin impact and why my other numbers seems little “abnormal” compared to others (I realize YDMV and comparison’s often don’t work). I plan to engage my current Endo about IAA and it’s application, but my next appt isn’t for 6 months. Thanks to anyone that can shed light in advance!