Postprandial spikes in late honeymoon: where do I start?

I can’t figure out how to ask this without it sounding ridiculous, but I’m just going to go for it…

My post meal BG has been all over the place for a couple weeks. It’s spiking much higher and much faster than I’m accustomed to. I’m beyond frustrated. I feel like I’m throwing the kitchen sink at it - tinkering with I:c ratios, temp basal, exercise, etc. and nothing’s changing.

I think I’m still “honeymooning”, so maybe this is my pancreas giving up… or maybe a change in weather, stress, less exercise, more lenient eating habits - but whatever it is, I have to figure out how to deal with it.

When nothing seems like its working, where do you start? I need to simplify and be logical but am at a loss.