Pediatric Afrezza: bounced twice now

I would imagine it’s DNA factors as well as family history. But of course many cancer-associated genetic variants haven’t been characterized even if you did care enough to get your DNA sequenced.

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OK, I understand your thought now. I misunderstood that you were thinking of some specific process you were thiking of that some people care enough about to undergo but others don’t. I get your meaning.

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That sounds frustrating re: the Afrezza. I’m honestly not sure I’d want my teen if I had one using it on a daily or near daily basis for corrections at this point though, without more longterm evidence for its safety. I’m still mildly ambivalent about my own use in that respect. A product has to be out for a long time (longer than Afrezza has been) before we can really know what the long term ramifications are, especially in people who still have hopefully a very long time to live.

I’m still confused though as to why backing off a bit on the corrections wouldn’t also address the issue (if corrections more often than not result in lows, aren’t you overcorrecting?), and/or if you aren’t concerned about weight gain and really feel the need to whack those highs hard, eating a snack as soon as the Dex arrow starts to go down to cushion the drop. Sort of the reverse of when I take insulin with a low treatment that I know is overkill, even if I’m still low. Even if the snack ends up being slight overkill, and he lands a little higher than intended, that’s probably an easy fix (relatively to the growth hormone spike).

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I do think of that.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Correcting for very high peaks

I came across a study on TUD that discussed a 17 year-old using Afrezza because of “increased resistance to subcutaneous (subQ) insulin.” Prior to using Afrezza, this patient could only use IVs or IM injections to manage her diabetes.

The patient may have turned 18 by the time it was approved for her, but I thought you might be interested in reading about it.!/4482/presentation/7197

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One thing missing was detail of what infusion depth she was using with the pump.

I sent an email to the doctor to ask.

(The email address was easy to get, but no need to publicize it.)