Night light for late BG work

I can see how that could be a problem – although, I might blame it on the specific headlamp. I have one that has a band that stays the same size, so putting it on is really easy. Additionally, the lamp itself has a swivel point, which I tend to preset in the direction that I want it to face, and the light quantity is modifiable. I have owned a couple of different headlamps, and I really like the Petzl Tikka+ the best. It looks like that one is being discontinued? But they presently have it at REI on sale.

I’m not saying that it would necessarily work for everyone – and if the flashlight+teeth is working for you, and you have a use for all the nearly spent batteries, seems like a win. :slight_smile:

We have another headlamp, which looks a lot less dorky, but the thing is a pain in the ass because it doesn’t hold the headband sizing, so putting it on every night to walk the dog is a total hassle. The irony of this whole conversation is that when Eric needs to do dibe stuff at night that requires light, he just turns his bedside light on. :grinning:

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I have owned Tikkas for what seems to be forever :slight_smile:

But my spec sheet for a head lamp would be slightly different. I really don’t like having to click multiple times to get to the right light, in particular because it is tentative and you have to check. What I would like for a headlamp for BG work:

  • double rather than triple strap (easier)

  • remembers the strap length, also very stretchy to be usable by more than one person on same length

  • can be permanently set to low power, around 10 lumens or so; my preference would be ONLY low power.

  • narrow beam (or can be permanently set to narrow beam); my preference would be ONLY narrow beam.

  • hard on/off button (soft buttons are harder to use when you are in a hurry)

  • light

  • long lasting battery

  • easy battery to get (AA or AAA if possible)

  • not too small, not too big

  • would be nice to have a red lens

  • cheap so that we can lose a bunch of them and not worry about it. We constantly lose our BG flashlights, then find them a few weeks later. We need at least three at hand to be able to find one.

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I don’t need any light…are you people blind? The light from the PDM is plenty for me to draw Liam’s blood in the middle of the night. :smile: But we do keep our TV on during the night so I also have that as a backdrop.


I’ve found that the G5 receiver works very well as a night flashlight. It’s only problem is that it only stays in for about 15 seconds at a time. Also, it may be way too bright for @Michel.


I’ve got literally more than 2 million miles on this combo right here


Although the crap thing about red light— red blood is invisible in it… so more recently I’ve gone to amber


ha ha ha - Try holding that in your mouth.


Although I do use it as a night light going up the stairs at nightime after all the house lights are off.


@Michel, you never cease to amaze me. I couldn’t have said it better myself – and there are definitely components to this headlamp that I find a little annoying – many of which you have noted. But I am also loathe to really invest in a headlamp because it seems like one of those things I might lose track of. ( although, with age, I have found a take quite good care of our belongings.)

@Sam I am very impressed with your 2,000,000 mile combo – I thought you were kidding when I read it the first time, and then I realized you were probably serious. I’m sure your modified red light has seen some amazing stuff!

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i love my night light. its right by our bedroom door. originally we put it there so that i don’t walk into the bedroom door when i get up to P in the middle of the night. then i started taking more advantages of it : i’m awake, i might as well test. ( i don’t use a CGM, so testing over night is very convenient for me; especially b/c i wake up so frequently :blush: )