Newly Diagnosed 5yo- Exhausted Parents

Unfortunately, I have no advice there…I spent the first 1.5 years being torn up inside because every shot, no matter where, was bloody murder for Liam. You can probably find my feelings on those things here on FUD…I expressed them many times. It’s something they eventually grow out of, but until they do there are some small tricks to incentivize him letting you do it, but really it’s been a time thing for us…Liam eventually grew out of it…but there was a good 1.5 years to 2 years where he screamed bloody murder and those were the times I just cried like a baby when alone at his discomfort / pain / displeasure in the process. The good news is that Liam is well adjusted now and even “does” many things himself and doesn’t mind the shots at all. So there is light and the screaming isn’t always going to be that way, but unfortunately, there’s no magic pill for this…it’s gonna break your heart for a while before it gets better.

Everything I tried with Liam failed…he just hated shots for the longest time.


It is a little different for everyone, but in general the butt and the back of the arms have the fewest nerve endings (as far as injection sites). So those spots would probably feel a little better.

And every once-in-a-while, it just hurts more than normal. Just a chance, and you never know, so for a kid that kind of sucks. Even if it’s only 1 in 20, you are always wondering if this is going to be the bad one.

At some point, if you guys go to a pump, this won’t be as much of an issue. It will only be like every 3 days instead of several times each day. (And then after a while, that won’t even be a problem. Like when Harold told Liam about the secret button on the OmniPod.)


Yeah you’re right. I brought that up and told him dad used to close his eyes or look away when I got shots, but he fixates on it. It’s a control thing I think. His brain doesn’t have that ability yet to let go of the fear and try to focus on something else yet.

I also want him to learn that it’s not something to be scared of though. I work a lot with him on mental aspects of life. I’m a very firm believer that our minds are so extremely powerful, and we can train them to do amazing things for us, like not be scared or certain things that might normally be scary!

He’s done so extremely well this early into it, I’m honestly very impressed.


I’m so sorry. I think that’s the most horrible part of all this, is inflicting pain on your own child over and over.

I tried right away to let him know that dad will always be with him every step of the way. I told him if it makes him feel better, that I will give myself a shot (with just a needle obviously). If he wants dad to do a finger poke, I’ll do a finger poke. I told him if he can do it, then dad can do it too.

At one point he had me doing a funny dance in our living room with a needle sticking out of my thigh :rofl: just to show him it’s gonna be ok and we can choose to make the best of a crappy situation.

I tell him straight up all the time too that it sucks. Because it does. And we all know it. But I really try to advocate that he’s never ever alone, and it’s ok to hate it and be upset, but he’s tough and he’s not going to let this “own” him.

I’m very thankful he’s old enough at least to somewhat comprehend a lot of that. I know it’s totally different when they’re younger. I almost tear up just thinking about what some of you had to endure!


Hilarious!!! Don’t recall my parents doing that.

My 10 days in hospital (1965, age 5) included a nice nurse and a mean nurse. Nice nurse said she would get the mean nurse if I fussed or squirmed.
Fortunately only 1 injection per day at that time.

When I was 8 or 9, I had a choice to visit grandparents (w/o parents), but only if I did my own injections (no pens). Just the motivation I needed to do my own injections and learning to fill syringe.


We were told very clearly from the doctors before leaving the hospital not to use his butt. Only arms (tri/bi), thigh, and stomach (obliques), yet we’ve read otherwise.

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For whatever reason I can laugh at this, and somehow completely relate to how I was raised - in a very “rub some dirt on it and move on, don’t be a sissy” type of environment. I have to say, at the very least it really builds character in a person!


That’s strange. I’ve never heard that.

Back in the day, that was one of the places we were supposed to use.


That’s awesome! My husband used to do the least coordinated one man salsa dance ever to distract our son while I would trim his razor sharp toddler fingernails. My son would still scream and cry but the dancing made him stop thrashing at least!


Just reinforcing one of the basics here: pop the needle in as fast as possible, don’t try to ease it in slowly (which I think hurts more).


I would also say the old “we’ll do it on 3, ok?” Then start counting and either give the shot on 1, 2, 4 or 5…never 3. :smiley: It worked sometimes. Agree with @bkh though, get the shot in and out as fast as possible.


Haha yep been there before. It’s whatever it takes sometimes just to get the job done.


Oops. My wife just finished telling me I go too slow. I’ll have to take note of that I suppose


There is a product called Buzzy on Amazon that vibrates and has cold pack, designed to numb skin and distract child during injections. But don’t know anyone that has used it.


So my son just threw up quite a bit. I’m a little concerned because he had a snack before bed and we dosed him for it (1 unit). It’s only been about an hour and a half since we dosed. He’s still feeling like he’s going to throw up more.

Not sure how concerned to be… not sure if this is food related or if he’s getting sick or what.

Anything I should be seriously concerned about or look out for besides ketones?

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I’m guessing he’s at risk of going low after throwing up most of his food. I’m hoping if he does we can get him to drink some juice or something that he can keep down.

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That’s the main thing. Stay hydrated if possible and watch for lows.

Sorry this is happening. Is he high?


Or honey if you have it


He’s been dropping slowly, but nothing crazy.

Over the course of the last 5 hours he’s been:


That’s great!

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