How do you use your endocrinologist visit?

Woah woah woah guys, calm down. All this insulin stacking and somebody’s gonna need a snack… :wink:

I’m only about 6 months into the whole “actually trying to manage my disease” game myself and I think my endo has mostly (but not fully) accepted the change that has occured between us.

At this point I do like to have my endo do some data analysis with me, mostly to see if he’s got any unique and interesting suggestions for me. Sometimes he does offer things I hadn’t thought of or maybe wouldn’t have done on my own. For example, a few months ago we jacked my nighttime basals way up – my logic had me thinking that there must be a different issue as there was no way my nighttime basals should need to be higher than my daytime basals, yet they absolutely do. But then sometimes he doesn’t offer me any interesting advice, and just suggests I should eat differently, which I politely ignore :blush:

Other than that I use my endo as a source of scripts, and at this stage, a cheerleader, since he is now very complimentary about my Clarity reports/hard work :stuck_out_tongue:

[Mod EDIT: copied part of this post over to split thread to Night basals: higher or lower than daytime?]