How do Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia FEEL?

With my job, I aim to both keep my blood sugar as stable as possible (hence my primary motivation to follow a low-carb diet) AND to take all precautions necessary so that I don’t experience lows (hence setting my alerts to perhaps 5.5 mmol/L, even though that also happens to be my pump’s correction target). Any time I go even mildly low or significantly high, my cognition, attention, coordination, and reflexes may all be affected. These things could present safety risks in my field, and if that means I run at 6.5 mmol/L for an hour or two instead of 5.5 mmol/L because of a false alert, well then, so be it.

I certainly hope any professional treating or working with me takes the same precautions with their diabetes to ensure that they are in range and have plenty of warning if they are at risk of leaving that range.

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