Drinking and Type 1 Diabetes. A long discussion, with some good 'splainin

Not at all. It does double duty as an antiseptic, so you won’t need to pack alcohol swabs as well. Plus you will instantly become BFFs with all the other scavengers.

This is my experience, though I always eat at least a little something while I’m drinking, so it’s hard to differentiate. My evening cocktails almost always contain some carb – sugar, sugar syrup, a carb bitter like Campari – and I do not go low later.

But I also don’t drink in quantity. One cocktail, maybe one and a half if someone twists my arm, maybe on a weekend a glass of wine or two as well. If I’m out I will probably drink more wine, but the evening is pretty much shot anyway as far as tight control goes, since carb-counting is a guessing game and accurate prebolusing times go out the window.