Daisy Mae's swimming BG thread

Seems like you’ve been having highs and using more basal all week.

Let’s see if we can figure it out.

Just in the past week alone:
What’s new? Diet the same? Weight the same? Carbs same compared to last week? Do you have a temperature? Any stress? Sleeping ok (beside having to fix your BG)? Are you feeling well? Are you tired? New or different insulin? Old infusion set?

What can you think of?

the only thing i can think of is the TB elevation of 120% w/out feeling sick or doing anything different. eating the same, doing the same things, sleeping well.etc. i think that i probably should have turned off the temp basal; i think it was more of a fluke than anything else, a bit of insulin resistance. b/c when i look over my notes, i have only had a few highs and a few lows overall. my problems seem to come up around my swimming. giving myself too much insulin bolus post swim, then sinking low hours later. then correcting with carbs, and then bouncing high. but then everything settled down and i felt fine and my BGs were fine as well.

don’t know what else to make of it. i plan to test in 5 minutes and turn off my pump (0% TB) for 2.5 hours. do you think i should also bolus the .2 or .3 units so i don’t spike?

11:15 am; just tested, BG 91. turned off basal; set it for 2.5 hours.

Be bold today! When your basal is off for 2.5 hours, know you will fine!

Take your little mini-dose 30 minutes before you are done!

so should i do the .2 or .3 bolus now as well?

How bold do you want to be? I think that would be the bolder way to go, trying to not spike as much.

But it depends on how much you feel you will rise in 2.5 hours. What’s your best guess? If you cut 2.5 hours and take 0.2 now, where do you think you will be?

Personally, I don’t mind doing that, because a low BG is easy for me to fix!

i think i will be conservative and NOT take that mini bolus up front. you should know me by now :blush: . i am the fearless dragon slayer. i get anxious, but i keep on truck’n. one baby step at a time.


Hey there. just tested. after waiting just 2 hours, my bg is up to 145, so i am walking to the pool now. will keep you posted .(think it probably would have helped if i listened to you about taking the micro bolus 2 hours ago…oh well). live and learn and TRUST in some of the best advice around. :wink:

Swim hard! You will be fine.

You may drop a little bit, but that doesn’t’ mean you will necessarily keep dropping. So keep an eye on it, but relax and have fun!



11:15am bg 91, turned off pump and waited 2 hours.
1:15pm bg 146
1:45pm bg 151
2:15pm bg 151
2:45pm bg 125
3:15pm bg 133

i swam a total of 90 minutes and at 3:20pm i “replenished” with 1.5 units manual pump bolus.( 4 hours completely off basal and bolus insulin) (wasnt able to give myself the 30 minutes post swim micro shot; i REALLY need to get myself a Novolog pen!!!)

it was a tiring swim. but i pushed myself, wanting to feel a bit of pain in my muscles. i swam faster than usual and would have continued swimming but there were 4 other people in my lane by 2:30pm and that really sucks when nobody is swimming at your own pace. (you have to try and pass the slower ones while not bumping into the faster ones)

(its what i would refer to as a “high-class problem” :wink: )

walked with amazing speed back home. drank and re-fueled. i am eager to see what happens throughout the evening and overnight.

as you know, i dont swim on the w/ends, so i will have 2 days of re-coop and rest and refueling with carbs, protein and hydration. i wont be a slug, but the most exercise i get on the weekends is walking around the neighborhood. but if it isnt pouring tomorrow i would love to walk over the BKLYN Bridge into Chinatown for some Congi (rice and chicken stew) and then back home over the Manhattan Bridge. its about a 5 mile walk (80% basal needed) with a large bolus for the carbs.

so, there you go, Experiment #10. i think i am really making progress. i must say, though, with all of these challenges (mental, emotional, and physical) i am exhausted :wink: .

i am sooo eager to hear from everyone who has been giving me advice and rooting me on. all of the cheering helps me to keep going and not get discouraged. truly, with all sincerity. and of all things, i’d like to pay it forward in the hope that my efforts can help another person who is struggling and disbelieving.


Wow this is really awesome @daisymae ! It seems like you have really cracked the code. This is definitely inspiring me to be less intimidated with our son.


That is awesome!! You are doing great, and obviously the way you are achieving this is so different from how I have been taught. Kudo’s, I hope the weather cooperates and you get the Congi this weekend.

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thank you TG; i am glad that i could help. but most of the credit really belongs with eric. he has been teaching me every step of the way. he’s become my go-to-guy :wink:

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PS: just 2.5 hours post swim (pre-dinner) my BGs are 109. perfect target range for me.

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This is tremendous! Way to go DM!

We need to graph this and post it on the flatliners page. You are a champion!

Tell me about your refueling. Carbs and protein? How much?

Perfect! You got it!

I am so happy for you.:slightly_smiling_face:

Oh, one other thing:

See how you did not keep dropping. You eventually leveled out at the end. So that is the inspiration, and what gives you the courage to keep going and not fear it. You eventually see where you level out. Those numbers can make you bolder!


you and all of your encouragement and experience made it possible. now i have to make new goals and listen to all you have to share.

post exercise i ate rye bread with tunafish and lots of water. for dinner, i had more rye bread and roasted chicken (prepared) (the only thing i am a bit weary of is that there is a possibility that the chicken was braised with sugar, ugh. but if so, bolus bolus bolus)

that would be awesome. i am still totally endorphined out, but when i land back on earth, i will celebrate my accomplishment. now i have faith that i can start with lower BGs and that i might be able to swim longer (w/out my pump). i guess that would require giving myself little injections every so often during my swim??? looking fwd to working with you on more. WOW.


now i just have to get rid of all the lactic acid build up searing pain (drinking so much water and took an Advil)


PS: ended up crashing to 50 2 hours post dinner (i was on a dual bolus for the dark meat chicken). naturally, i had some delicious chocolate. but i think that this may have been a result of my over-bolusing my "replenished " basal insulin with the bolus post swim ( 1.5 units) . i think that on monday, i will give myself only .8 - 1.0 units after i get out of the pool.

what are your thoughts?

also, i will watch my BGs overnight as carefully as possible (i don’t use a dexcom, so i will have to wake myself up intermittently )


Hey, Daisy Mae, this is an achievement to celebrate!!! That is so awesome!!!

I think we are all really proud of you on the forum. You gave a true example of being UNLIMITED!

You made my weekend :slight_smile:

Man, the problem with over-bolusing is…you have to eat chocolate!
I would always rather over-bolus than under-bolus!

Doing an over-bolus means more carbs, which means more refueling for the next day. Doing an under-bolus means having to chase a high BG for hours and hours.

To me the choice is obvious! As long as you are checking your BG and have an available sugar source (like chocolate :yum:), over-bolusing is the clear benefit instead of under-bolusing.

BTW, maybe consider cutting your basal tonight!

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after eating (conservatively) to bring my BG back into range (110 ) i started going up and spiking at 195. (10:45 pm ).i gave myself another correction and went to sleep. at 6am this morning i woke up at 188. i did another correction and then ate bfast and put my TB back on at 110%.

at 11am i was 125 and i made myself an early lunch of 2 pieces of rye bread and eggs. now its a waiting game to see how my body reacts.

i don’t know why my BGs went up so high. maybe you have an explanation. any thoughts?