I’ve got one with T1, one with autism and one who had cancer when he was 1 year old (and recently had emergency bowl obstruction surgery.) The best we can do is our best and let it go! I’ve always taken one day, one “emergency” at a time, and since joining FUD, I’ve been able to do that with diabetes. This has certainly been our biggest trial to date. It’s so…24/7…it never sleeps! I just want it to sleep SOMETIMES!
My one with celiac disease is also on the spectrum. He’s ALSO the one who has the suspicious diabetes activity… My second one was a micropreemie, and he’s doing great. He was a 2 pounder, and we were told there would be lots of developmental issues, but we were prepared and proactive (with a withstanding spectrum diagnosis). Interestingly enough, the third one, who is organized as all get out, exhibits some behaviors much like his oldest brother. I’m carting him over for an evaluation as soon as we can get one booked. I don’t think it’s autism, but I also know it’s not nothing. I’m pulling for “third child syndrome”, but I’m also not banking on it. You have REALLY had your hands full. It sounds like your family is like ours. I have diabetes, obviously, but I have a history of cancer and had brain surgery for an unrelated condition. Everything I’ve had, of course, is genetic, so I worry about every ache and pain my kids report. I have developed such a strange relationship with doctors… When you spend as much time in with them, you see SO many mistakes, and it makes you question it all. That’s a tough boat to be in when you obviously can’t do without them either. But, as we agreed, it would be dull… (and relaxing and predictable and sometimes pleasant, but who’s keeping score?)
Strangely, we have NO history, either on my wife’s side or mine, of Diabetes, Cancer or Autism! We were the lucky “1st generation” recipients of these wonderful prizes!
Oh that’s not funny funny but funny. I remember thinking I had done something terribly wrong, and the universe was just letting me have it. Now I look back at all of it with a “hmpf”. So diabetes, autism, and cancer… it’s a match. I always wondered if there were a connection between them. In fact, I couldn’t believe there wasn’t. Since my son was diagnosed with celiac disease, I began thinking that was it. But I guess it’s not so for your family… Did you do anything to tick off the universe?
But the key finding is this: if you have two autoantibodies, the chance that you will be diagnosed with type-1 diabetes sometime in the next eight years is about 90%. (I think the 10 year data shows it has inched up even higher.)
This is the measured results in actual people, so I don’t see any reason to question it.
What they are trying to say, when they say “If you test positive for two or more autoantibodies, you are in the early stages of type 1 diabetes.” is that people with 2 autoantibodies are going to be diagnosed with type-1 diabetes, and so whatever is causing type-1 diabetes has already started at that point. They are not saying that you are already having the classic symptoms, rather that the underlying disease process has already started.