Afrezza & upcoming endo appt

@Gus is an iron-man triathlete and uses the stuff a ton. @DuckFiabetes is an avid long distance bicyclist and does as well.

Sorry I haven’t had chance to respond to your original post more comprehensively but did want to mention the doctors response part. I had been watching afrezza come through development and approval, excitedly, so I approached my doc as soon as it was approved and said I wanted it. He expressed just a slight amount of doubt based on a previous inhaled insulins poor results (exubera) but then wrote the script. I was his first patient on it, he has since prescribed it to many more and seems to think highly of it…

It’s an approved medication for diabetes, you have diabetes… if your doc isn’t familiar with it and you ask for it and they’re not willing to become familiar for your benefit—- they’re not a good doctor. You should have no qualms whatsoever about asking for it, it’s remarkable that people think it’s some kind of sketchy request—— that’s the legacy of all the short selling trolls that swarmed the internet about it…

Top doctors discuss Afrezza for Medscape Here’s a good link I posted a few months ago where you can listen to highly noted endocrinologists discussing it and addressing some of your concerns…