"Activity" is not the same thing as "Exercise": Allison's Running Trial

i know i already responded to your post, but i feel the need to edit some of what i said:

i last swam on Sunday. it is now Tuesday, and i am still on a lowered TB and ICR. so, that’s 2 full days post swim!!! and, I still dont know how long it will last. my BG 15 minutes ago was 77 and i am currently on a 97% TB (which is .025 u/h less than 100% basal)

dont know if that helps anymore than my last post, but i hope it is helpful info for you just to show you that, as eric said, there are many different variables that change the “formula.” one of the most helpful things Eric taught me has been look at the whole picture, be flexible, and adjust. and, very importantly, make only 1 change at a time so that you will know what is effecting what.


Yes! Everything you add is helpful! Thank you!

And Thank You to @Nickyghaleb, @Trying and @Eric for the guidance, as well. I’m learning a new technical vocation (legit exercise as a T1D) and appreciate all of the help I can get!

I’m not sure why I wasn’t thinking about basal percentage adjustments in the immediate aftermath of exercise…goodness knows I’m splashed all over FUD threads talking about basal surfing…so yeah, I’ll be implementing that going forward. I was thinking about it in terms of large scale sensitivity changes, just not acute sensitivity changes after the work-out. Noted!


Week 4 Run 2: 27:00, 2.10 mi, 5.5 RPE
ZB 30:00 prior, 2:45 after breakfast
4g carb prior to run
Starting: 108
After 3 minute run: 108
4g carb
12:00 in: 106
Ending: 92, 4g carbs
Turned on 50% basal
11g choc milk carbs
waited for trend reversal, .5 unit bolus and next 11g of choc milk carbs

Will see how this different post-run set of decisions works out for me for today.

ETA: Btw, I thought it was hilarious that today’s “cool down” was a three minute run. I know running’s not funny, but our current different world views sure as heck are!


Because you were doing shorter but faster intervals and the 3 minute cool down at the end was a slower pace.

Generally anything where your heart rate drops at the end is considered a cool down.

I hope you ran the cool down at a slow enough pace that it was much easier than the fast segments you had been doing.

So, how did the speed and duration of those segments for you? Manageable? Manageable at a longer duration?


Great numbers!! I’ve been thinking about choc milk for carbs, too :slight_smile:


I mean, I gathered as much, but I’m still at the point where I get a sweat-ring around the neck of my shirt just from reading the word “run”.

I ran the cool down at 5.6 mph. I still have the disconnect where 6.5 mph feels better as far as the motion goes, but 5.6 mph feels better cardiovascularly. In other words, I’m still getting dialed in and every version of “running” is a lot of work. That’s totally fine…but a 3 minute feel good cool down “run” doesn’t exist in my universe just yet. :grin::grin:

Speed good. Duration good. I could go longer but not sure by how much. My lungs or heart or whatever would be the limiting factor.


We are going to build you in all kinds of areas - endurance, cardiac output, muscular strength, technique. And…mentally too. That part is so often overlooked.

For any runs that I refer to as “long” or “easy”, I want you to find the most comfortable pace you can manage. As long as it is not a walk, it’s fine. Find the most comfortable pace you can do for those durations. I need you to get some 4’s in there on your RPE’s. 5.5 or 6 RPE is fine on occasion for an “easy”, but easy should be easy, and hard should be hard.

When I give you a pace, that is for a reason. Like today. What you did today was great. We are going to keep building that up. But you will be tired from the 6.5 mph stuff, so the “easy” days really need to be easy.

Experiment with your easy pace. Increased cadence, or whatever makes it feel easy for you.

One of the great things about doing intervals, like today, at some point I will have you doing fast intervals and slow recovery jogs at your easy pace.

And if easy does not necessarily feel easy now, it WILL feel easy when it is part of a recovery jog.

If you run 6.5 mph for a few minutes and your lungs are screaming, and then you get to jog a recovery at 5.5 mph, I promise you that 5.5 mph will start to feel easy. And your brain will lock in on that being an easy pace.


:joy::joy: but look at you doing the run! Also the progress since you started this thread is awesome!


So -50% basal was fine initially…but I let it linger too long…tried -20%, then +0%, now at + 10%. My post run numbers aren’t as ugly as Monday’s so I guess I’ve got that going for me!

And @LarissaW, @Trying, @Eric, thanks for the cheers!


I think I’m my own Omniloop with all of these basal changes…


That occurred to me, too!! :slight_smile: You’re amazing!! :slight_smile: :star2:


Aw, thanks! I didn’t say I was good at it, LOL!


Week 4 Run 3: 22:00, 1.8 mi, 6.0 RPE (I’ll come back to this)
ZB 40:00 prior, 3:10 after breakfast bolus
8g carbs prior to stunt a slow drop
Starting bg: 99
Ending bg: 103
Trying -25% basal after workout, 50% bolus for 22g carb of choc milk after (1unit instead of 2units)

I wanted to have an “easy run” today as prescribed. I was shooting for an RPE in the 4 or 5 range. But, at a 3:1 run to walk ratio, my body still sees that as a lot of effort. I ran the first four sets at 5.7 mph and tried to keep a good cadence with light steps. My knees and calves were screaming doing that. It feels way too slow. I ran the last set at 6.2 mph and my knees/calves felt great, but it was obviously more difficult cardiovascularly.

I would love to lie about the effort but that’s where I’m at.


This whole thing is phenomenal. This is textbook. :grinning:

  • The ZB before starting
  • Waiting a few hours after breakfast to eliminate IOB
  • A few preventative carbs at the start
  • Starting and finishing BG’s at 99 and 103
  • Post-run adjustments for both basal and bolus
  • Post-run carbs and protein - wonderful chocolate milk, an ideal food for post-run

Seriously, this is absolute textbook. You have all of this down perfectly!

The running will get easier. I have you doing some stuff on Saturday that will help move that in the right direction. And then also next Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. :wink:

Hang tough!


Thanks, Eric! :grin::grin:

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I think it is amazing that the run with greater mph felt better for your knees and calves!

Wonderful job, @T1Allison!


Thanks, @Tapestry!


Ok I need to finally ask because I’ve been mulling over this for at least a month - what is a ZB?! Is it a temp basal?? But what’s the Z??? :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


ZB = zero basal :grinning::+1:

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Whaaaat?? And that doesn’t send you high… I guess that basal would be hitting right during the workout? I shall try this next run :hugs:but probably starting closer to the run since I use fiasp :thinking:

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